You searched for: “most subtle
subtle (adjective), more subtle, most subtle
1. Pertaining to a process or approach which is cleverly indirect and ingenious: In order to convince his girlfriend to go hiking with him, Jack tried to persuade her in a more subtle way.
2. Descriptive of something so slight as to be difficult to detect or to describe; elusive: Shirley had a subtle smile when Richard told her why he got home so late.
3. Relating to something which is difficult to understand; abstruse: Pam presented an argument whose subtle point was lost by her friend.
4. Concerning the ability to make fine distinctions: Mr. Smart had a very subtle, keen, and perceptive mind and had no problems to grasp the facts presented at the inquiry.
5. Regarding something which is implemented in a hidden, usually injurious way; insidious: Sam happened to eat something at the restaurant which caused him to have a subtle upset stomach.

There must have been some subtle poison in the food the cat found and ate because it died in the evening.

Descriptive of being hard to detect or to analyze.
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